How to Get Rid of a Tan on Brown Skin Naturally & Quickly

How to get rid of sun tan on brown skin

How to get rid of a tan on brown skin

Tanning is a process by which the skin gets darkened on exposure to rays of light from the sun. To get rid of a tan on brown skin, you could choose to use mild products or ones with greater actions. To get rid of a tan naturally, you could start by ensuring that you do not even get it at all. For that to happen, when you know that you would be taking a hike in sunny areas, walk about with a hat that casts shadows across your face, or other clothing that help to keep the harsh rays of sun away from your body. You could also use apply sunscreen to your body when you are outside. The effect of a sunscreen usually would fade after about two hours, so, it’s necessary you reapply it after that time frame.

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How to get rid of a tan on brown skin naturally

The first trick on how you can get rid of a tan on brown skin naturally is to exfoliate! Exfoliation helps to get rid of the skin cells at the surface that have undergone all sorts of changes with time and exposure. It is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

1. Lemon, honey and sugar

These three ingredients, when used together fetch you the best results you could ever get from a skin tan. Lemon contains ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) which is one constituent that assists in lightening the skin. What it does is that it lightens the skin naturally by exfoliating the epidermis of the skin. Vitamin C also helps in fighting the early signs of ageing. It also helps in reducing damage that might have been incurred to the skin.

However, one thing you should take note of while using lemon is the fact that it can cause burns on your skin if your skin is very sensitive. You also should avoid using it on your skin if you plan on walking in the sun.

Honey works to naturally exfoliate your skin, and asides that, it has properties that are antimicrobial in nature. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to get rid of issues relating to redness, inflammation, and breakout of acne on your face. However, some people might react negatively to honey being applied to their skin. That is why it is very essential for you to first apply a bit of it to a small part of your skin as a test.

Sugar, which is the last ingredient, also helps to exfoliate your skin naturally.

To mix the three items together, follow the procedures below;
  • Squeeze the juice out of the lemons into a bowl. The juice should be sufficient enough to run through all the scarred parts of your face.
  • Add in some sugar and honey to the lemon juice extract. You want to ensure that the mix is thin enough to spread across your face. It shouldn’t be too watery though.
  • Mix the three ingredients together.
  • Spread it across your skin. To prevent the floor from getting messy due to spills, you should apply the mix in the bathroom or in some other place you can easily clean up after the whole process.
  • Leave the mix on your skin for about twenty minutes so that it runs dry.
  • Step into the shower, and then, allow warm water to cascade down your body. This will help to wash off the mix.
  • As you wash, you would notice that most of the tan would fade away instantly. To get better and more improved results, you should continue this over time.

2. Tomato juice

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, and so, will go a long way in ensuring that your skin is brightened from its dark tones. Antioxidants will also help to kill the effect of the free radicals that cause damage to the skin cells. The antioxidants also help to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles from your skin. Apart from the antioxidants, tomatoes also contain ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) which helps to naturally exfoliate your skin.

To get the best results, you could mix the juice from tomatoes with yogurt! Yogurt helps to soften the skin, as it is very rich in lactic acid. The lactic acid helps to peel off the topmost skin, thereafter giving your skin a healthy glow. Yogurt also helps your skin to retain moisture, and to improve its elasticity.

To make the mix, you can follow the procedures below;
  • Get a tomato fruit, and then, peel off the skins form it.
  • Blend the skin with about two teaspoons of yogurt.
  • Add about two spoons of Greek yogurt to the mix. Any yogurt works actually, but then, the thing about Greek yogurt is that it has the perfect consistency.
  • Rub the paste to your skin, and then, leave it there for about fifteen minutes before washing it off.
  • Continuous use of this mix on your skin shows improved effect after time.

3. Water

You might have heard that water is very good for rejuvenating the skins of the cells, yes? If you haven’t really considered water, you really should now. Water is something that can reset ninety percent of the issues related to the skin. Sometimes, all you just need to do is swim through a body of salty water. Sea water acts as a natural exfoliating element. The other times, you’d need to actually drink water. Water will help to keep your skin well hydrated, moisturized, and bright.

4. Papaya and honey

These two help in protecting your skin against inflammation and damage caused by oxidative radicals in the skin. So, the mix is more like an antioxidant. To work with this, follow the steps below;

  • Dice the papaya into cubes. It would be better if you worked with soft papaya as it is easier to work with. You would also need a quarter of papaya dices for this.
  • Use a fork to grind the cubes into a mesh.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey to the mesh. Seek for high quality honey as it would contain a greater concentration of antibiotics.
  • Apply the mix to your skin and then, rinse it off after about twenty minutes with warm water.
  • Dab your skin dry with a towel.

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How long does it take to get rid of a tan on brown skin?

Getting rid of tan on brown skin could be very easy, as long as you follow the right procedures and use the right ingredients and mix on your skin. It would also be great if you understood your skin type and knew what it is most sensitive to, and what will work best for it. However, how long does it take to get rid of a tan on brown skin? Do you get results immediately? Or do the results show up after a period of time?

The answer to the question lies in the kind of treatment you work with. Some treatment options are far from mild and will quickly fetch you a properly exfoliated skin. The other options are very mild, and will require that you go through with them for some time to get the desired result.
You knowing the class of treatment to go for—mild or harsh—depends solely on the kind of skin you have. Dry skins usually require mild conditions of treatments, while oily skins can take on other harsher treatments.

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